
Napiš nám, odpovíme ti, co nejrychleji to zvládneme.


+420 774 362 211

You can reach us on the phone in the same way as during store opening hours. That is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 17:30. If we are not currently on the phone, write to us by e-mail or use one of the social networks.

Serious information

Bank connection

For payment in CZK
Account number: 2101893062/2010
IBAN: CZ50 2010 0000 0021 0189 2062
Recipient's name: Ing. Vilém Dyček

For payment in EUR
Account number: 2801893063/2010
IBAN: CZ40 2010 0000 0028 0189 3063
Recipient's name: Ing. Vilém Dyček

Operator and billing information

Ing. Vilém Dyček
Bartošova 45
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic

ID: 09663649
VAT number: CZ9704296096